
  1. Got A Song

  2. The Heavens Are Speakin’

  3. Dancing In A Field

  4. Wind Of The Spirit

  5. Life

  6. Wide Is The Welcome

  7. Lovely

  8. Love Is A Picture

  9. Radiant Beauty

  10. Lean On Me

  11. Be Thou My Vision

  12. Repentance and Rest

  13. He Said Peace

  14. Coming Clean

  15. Hallé Hallé

  16. Watchmen

  17. Boundless Love


Got A Song

Russ Rosen © 1988 Rise Up Music

Got a song in my heart

and I’m gonna sing it for you

Got a song in my heart

gonna wipe away the blues

Oh oh oh I feel it in my soul

It’s gonna pick you up

when you’re feelin’ low

Got a Love in my heart

And I’m gonna give it to you...

Got a Joy in my heart

And I’m gonna live it for you...

Got a peace in my heart

And I’m gonna pray it for you...



The Heavens are Speakin’

Russ Rosen © 1989 Rise Up Music

The heavens are speaking’ 

Of the glory of the Lord

Day after day they are speakin’

Of the glory of the Lord

There is no where on earth

We can escape from your love

There is no where on earth

We can escape from your love

Your spirit is speaking’

The truth about my life

I’m a sinner I need forgiving

Jesus heal my life

May the words of my mouth 

And the thoughts of my heart 

Be pleasing in your sight 

O Lord my rock and my redeemer

Your word is speaking

Directly to my heart

I’m a changing on the inside

Lord purify my heart



Dancing in a Field

Russ Rosen ©1992 Rise Up Music, admin by Big Tree Publishing

O, you got me dancing in a field. ‘Cause I know, I know, I know your love is real
O, you got singing till the dawn. ‘Cause I know, I know, I know your freedom song

O-O-O It’s the song of the Son
O-O-O My victory won, my victory won

O, you got me laughing at the rain. ‘Cause I know, I know. You are with me in my pain
O, you got me walking on the sea. ‘Cause I know, I know, I know by faith I’m free

Every time I think of it a smile is on my face All the treasures that this world brings Could never, no never replace
My love for you, my love for you

O, you got me running down the road. ‘Cause I know, I know Your Truth’s no heavy load
O, you got me learning as I go. ‘Cause I know, I know, Your word takes root and grows



Wind of the Spirit

Russ Rosen/Mike Oshiro/Sandy Rosen

© 1988 Rise Up Music admin. by Big Tree Publishing

Your wind is blowing

Across this lonely land

We are your messengers

Your touch is in our hands

Use us Lord Jesus

To care for our friends

Help us to love them

It’s your great command

O, wind of the Spirit

fill the sails of my soul

Send us on Lord

let your wind blow (repeat)

Your Spirit is moving

With power and might

We’ll walk together

By faith not by sight

You’re calling an army

To rise up and fight

We’ll be your soldiers

Flooding darkness with light!




Russ Rosen © 2018 Big Tree Publishing

When there’s beauty all around me 

And my soul is taken by surprise 

all I wanna do is thank you for life 

when there’s darkness in the canyon 

and I’m feeling fear start to rise 

all I got to do is thank you for life 

I’m alive oh oh and I thank you 

I’m alive oh oh and I thank you 

I’m alive oh oh and I thank you 

bup ba da da bup ba da da bup ba da da day 

bup ba da da bup ba da da day 

In the forest as the fragrance 

of the cedars and sage ease my mind 

all I wanna do is thank you for life 

when the wind howls and the waves pound 

and the pressure makes it hard to even try 

all I got to do is to thank you for life 

I got smiles in my shoes, I can boogie when I’m blue and I thank you

Now I’m dancing like a fool ‘cause I know I’ll never loose your love

And if the dancing ain’t enough, there’s a horn part in the chorus



Wide is the Welcome 

Russ Rosen © 2015 Big Tree Publishing

Wide is the welcome deep is the love

Heavenly Father been heaping on us

Endless compassion and outrageous grace

He won’t withhold His loving embrace

He made us uniquely and loves us completely

And gave us the gift of His Son

Wide is the welcome deep is the love

Soak in the sunset, swim in the sea

I let beauty wash over me

Soften my heart where it’s bitter and hard 

the kindness of God has me turning toward 

A life of forgiveness a generous love feast 

Found in the gift of His Son

Wide is the welcome deep is the love

All are invited none are forgotten

To follow the path Jesus walked on

Declare the news, the kingdom is here

The light has come and it’s pushing back fear 

The way is narrow but strength incomparable 

Is found in the gift of His Son

Wide is the welcome deep is the love

The way is narrow but strength incomparable

Is found in the gift of His Son

Wide is the welcome deep is the love

He made us uniquely and loves us completely

And gave us the gift of His Son

Wide is the welcome deep is the love

Wide is the welcome deep is the love




Russ Rosen © 2003/2011 Big Tree Publishing

You are lovely, in your house

Iʼm satisfied as your presence

Washes over me

Every morning

I wake up thirsty for a

Taste to satiate my spiritʼs need

I love you, I love you

A city crescendo

Youʼre the rumbling timpani

Reverberating elevating life from these stones

I cannot help myself, Iʼll be the trumpet section

Iʼll be the rowdy cymbals crashing your name

I love you, I love you

You are gorgeous you are good

Youʼre my refuge in this world

More than riches, more than gold

More than favour, you alone

Youʼre my Lover youʼre my comforter

You lift my chin up and

Speak life to my soul

Lets run away, we can drink from you river

Sing on your mountain, dance till dawn



Love is a Picture

Russ Rosen © 1994 Big Tree Publishing

Love is a picture growing stronger and richer 

As the canvas gives way to the master

And you are an artist and O how my heart is

Transformed by your love and your laughter

O yes I know perfection will come

When you I will see face to face

But now I am willing to receive all your spilling

Your colours of love and of grace

La la la la la... 2X

Truth is a river that flows from the giver

And calls to all people come swim

I’ll be the brave one and search deep it’s fathoms,

It’s crystal clear water drink in

O yes I know perfection will come

When you I will see face to face

But now I’m a swimmer free in the river

Swept away by the truth of your grace

Mercy an ocean that you set in motion

To wash all the driftwood ashore

And you’re the beachcomber and you have a home for

The shipwrecked the tired the poor

O yes I know perfection will come

When you I will see face to face

But now I need mercy, O wash me immerse me

And clothe me again with your grace



Radiant Beauty

Russ Rosen ©1998 Arrows in the Hand Music Admin. by Big Tree Publishing

Radiant beauty

Shining on me

High King of glory

My prince of peace

Jesus, King of the nations

Lord of the universe

Jesus, I love you

In you, I find my worth



Lean On Me

Bill Withers

Sometimes in our lives

We all have pain

We all have sorrow

But if we are wise

We know that there's always tomorrow

Lean on me

When you're not strong

And I'll be your friend

I'll help you carry on...

For it won't be long

Till I'm gonna need somebody to lean on

Please swallow your pride

If I have things you need to borrow

For no one can fill

Those of your needs that you won't let show

You just call on me brother when you need a hand

We all need somebody to lean on

I just might have a problem that you'll understand

We all need somebody to lean on

If there is a load you have to bear

That you can't carry

I'm right up the road

I'll share your load

If you just call me

Call me

If you need a friend

Call me

If you need a friend



Be Thou My Vision

Irish Folk Hymn, Elanor H. Hull

Be Thou my Vision, O Lord of my heart,

Naught be all else to me save that Thou art;

Thou my best thought by day or by night,

Waking or sleeping, Thy presence my light.

Lai Lai Lai...

Be Thou my wisdom, be Thou my true Word,

I ever with Thee and Thou with me, Lord;

Thou my great Father, and I thy true son,

Thou in me dwelling, and I with Thee one.

Riches I heed not, nor man's empty praise,

Thou mine Inheritance now and always;

Thou and Thou only, first in my heart,

High King of heaven, my Treasure Thou art.

High King of heaven my victory won,

May I reach heaven's joys, O bright heav'n's Sun;

Heart of my own heart, whatever befall,

Still be my Vision, O Ruler of all.



Repentance and Rest

Russ Rosen

In repentance and rest is your salvation

In quietness and trust is your strength

You said you‘d rather have your independence

Than trust in the Lord and be still in his presence

And so you run and you flee to the mountain

You miss the gift of life that would spring up like a fountain

My kindness will lead you to rest in this place

Receive my forgiveness be clothed in my grace

My love for you is an evelasting love

The tears I wept on earth I still weep from above



He Said Peace

©1991 Russ Rosen, Mike Oshiro Rise Up Music, admin by Big Tree Publishing

He said peace peace be with you
His gentle voice brings calm in troubled time He said peace peace be with you
There is rest and refuge in his arms

How the world seems to steal away our vision And we’re pushed to become a great success Overwhelmed with the feeling we won’t make it At the helm our ship is in distress

As we walk as one of his disciples
Feel the pain of the world that we must live And the fight continues all around us
In the night we’ve nothing’ left to give



Coming Clean

Russ Rosen © 1991 Rise Up Music

I am going under 

I am coming up new 

Drowning all the demons of my old self 

Coming clean with you 

I see the dove coming down 

My heart is free to fly 

I'll soar on wings as eagles 

My spirit is alive 

Gonna take a stand

We’ll stand together

We’ll pledge allegiance to the cross

We’ll live a live that honours Jesus

We’ll be committed at all cost



Hallé Hallé

Russ Rosen © 2005 Big Tree Publishing

The road is long but the carrier is strong Hallelujah

The mountain is high but with praise we can fly Hallelujah

Hallelujah, Hallelujah

Under His wing the faithful can sing Hallelujah

And we’re gaining ground as we lift up the sound Hallelujah

Hallelujah, Hallelujah

Heaven’s kingdom this day advances with praise

We’ll not shrink back we will press the attack

Hallé Hallé Hallé, Hallé Hallé Hallé, Hallé Hallé Hallé


The face of the Lord is radiant and true

Just look in His eyes our pride is consumed

His holy right arm he takes from his robe

His holy right arm - to carry us home

We are transformed, renewed and reborn Hallelujah

We have a story, “from glory to glory” Hallelujah

Hallé Hallé Hallé, Hallé Hallé Hallé, Hallé Hallé Hallé





(Jeremiah 31) 1996 Russ Rosen Arrows in the Hand, admin by Big Tree

Circle to the left Circle to the right

Into the middle… whoo! Into the middle… whoo!

Watchmen on the hills shout out "Open up the gates"

For the Lord has called us back It's time to celebrate

A time to build and plant and gather in the fruit

Join your hands and dance to the sound of strings and flute

Restrain your voice from weeping and your eyes from their tears

Jesus our deliverer has redeemed the broken years

So sing with all that's in you shout to all the earth

"O Lord save your people and gather them to yourself!”

Vous les sentinelles.. criez! "Le Seigneur est la"

Il est  temps de célébrer d'acceuillir le Roi

Réjouissons-nous fortifions nos bras

au rhythme des tambours élevons nos voix



Boundless Love

Russ Rosen

As the trees lift their branches to the heavens

SoI will lift my hands to you

And as the stream whispers gently of your faithfulness

So my lips will tell the wonder of your love

Your boundless love O God

I rest in your love O God

'Cause I know full well how you love me

So I rest in your love O God

As a child cries out for it's momma

So I will cry out for you

Then I hear you whisper gently of your faithfulness

And you wrap me in the wonder of your love