“Story driven roots rock starting parties in your soul”
Russ began his piano lessons at 4 years old, got kicked out at 7, took up drums at 10 and at 12 started a short lived band with Michael J. Fox called “Walrus”. Later he wrote the inspirational songs, “Got a Song in My Heart”, “Wind of the Spirit”, “Dancing in a Field” and many others for a year round “camp in the city” program called Rise Up, this was his initiation as a recording artist.
From there he stuffed his young family into a motorhome and, armed with a slew of new material, toured across Canada for 5 years with the group Upstream. They hauled a 350 seat theatre from town to town and set up in mall parking lots hosting community celebrations. (chronicled in the book “Off The Map”) He recorded 4 CDs with Upstream.
Our mobile theatre on our cross-Canada adventure in the 90's
It was these experiences that forged the Russ Rosen Band sound. Roots rock with a celtic Gospel twist. Percussive guitars and fierce drums anchoring the energetic folk songs. Their 2002 release “Oil” (Produced by Alan Shacklock - Roger Daltrey, The Alarm, Meatloaf, Jeff Beck, Mike Oldfield) and the French version “Huile de paix” have received high praise from listeners and critics who say it sounds like a crazy blend of The Chieftans, Dave Mathews Band and The Who.
In 2010 Russ released a compilation disc, “Audio Memories, 20 years of soul tracking” a collection of songs from his twenty some years of traveling and recording. This extremely diverse anthology is packed with gospel, folk, blues, and inspirational campfire songs with unique stories as part of his journey.
In 2012, with songs that were tried and tested over several years the Russ Rosen Band released "Waiting For Abraham", produced by Brett Ziegler. Folk to funk to dance with nods to celtic roots. The collection of songs reflect the joys and pains of Canada’s history and potential future. They have performed with Graham Ord, Marcus Mosely, Greg Sczebel, Brian Houston, Jacob Moon, Norm Strauss and many others at events across the country.
On the heels of Abe, Russ released "Songs From Christmas Tales" which is as the title suggests, the music from the super successful and well travelled show, Christmas Tales. Russ partners with master storyteller, Justyn Rees, and various musicians including Brett Ziegler, Calum Rees, Graham Ord, Shari Ulrich to deliver the traditional songs and stories like you've never heard before. Now in it's 9th season and booking for 2022.
Still an active singer-songwriter, Russ is also the artistic director at Bez Arts Hub in Langley, BC where he and his wife train and mentor emerging artists, host live music events, dance shows, workshops and all manner of arts and community interactions.